Monday, July 14, 2008
Preservation Dallas Summer Institute
Preservation Dallas now offers their 2008 Summer Preservation Institute. Find out more about how green historic buildings can be, the history of nearby Fair Park and how to follow code enforcement for historic properties.
Deep Ellum has a high density of Historic Landmark buildings, including the Knights of the Pythias, Sons of Hermann Hall, Continental Gin and many more.
Highlights below and the full list of classes here.
A History of Fair Park
Sally Rodriguez, City of Dallas Parks and Recreation Department
Tuesday, July 15; 6–8 p.m.
Since 1886, Fair Park has been transformed from cotton fields and hog wallows to a National Historic Landmark and a jewel of the Dallas Park System. Sally Rodriguez will take a tour from the beginnings through the 1936 Centennial Exposition, and on through current initiatives.
It’s Easy Being Green: Environmental Sustainability and the Historic House
Steve Kline, AIA
Thursday, July 17; 6–8 p.m.
Location: Center for Community Cooperation, 2900 Live Oak (between Liberty & Oak Streets)
It’s a myth that historic homes are not environmentally green. That’s according to Steve Kline, the Regional Historic Preservation Officer of the General Services Administration’s Southwest Region and a Board Member of Historic Fort Worth. Hear how historic homes are greener than you think and learn tips to make your house more sustainable.
An Insider’s Guide to Historic Enforcement
Bob Curry, City of Dallas Code Enforcement
Tuesday, July 22; 6–8 p.m.
The tips and tricks of helping your area through the enforcement of code and historic ordinances. Learn about tools available to you, and how to use them effectively to achieve the objectives of your neighborhood.